Chiropractic with Deep Tissue Massage
& Neuromuscular Rehabilitation:
Over time, stresses of daily living train our unconscious mind to hold tension patterns resulting in undue pain and struggle. Together we can detect and correct unhealthy patterns by using specific applications of deep tissue massage, kinesiology, and neuromuscular rehabilitation.
These release methods re-establish healthy movement patterns to restore proper function. After an extensive consult, exam, evaluation, and initial treatment, patients receive comprehensive spinal health care consisting of 30-45 minute follow-ups and maintenance/wellness treatments.

The important thing Eric does is to teach you how to take care of your own body.
Eric teaches you simple, not time-consuming home exercise programs with handouts including pictures as well as individualized exercises for your specific muscle tension and weakness patterns and self bodywork techniques.
Somatic Movement Therapy was developed by Moshe Feldenkrais and his protege Thomas Hanna. It is an exercise technique that if done on a regular basis will reprogram your nervous system to release involuntary signals that are causing your muscle tension patterns. It is a meditation on your body and is similar to yoga, but you are always moving. It only takes 10-15 minutes once you learn it.
Spinal stabilization exercises are exercises for the muscles around the lower back, pelvis, and hips and self-body work techniques. They are known as the core muscles and as the strenuous nature of whenever you are doing whole body movement like lifting increases; you need to tighten your core muscles more. This stabilizes your spine so it can take bigger loads without causing damage to your soft tissue. It is very important to know how to engage your core.
The stability ball (the 23-28 inch inflated ball) is the best self-body work tool on the planet. You can conform your spine to the curvature of the ball and move around on it into all possible spinal movements and release all the soft tissue tension patterns. You can use it to strengthen most of the muscles of the body which can enhance your balance and coordination.